WP 2021-03 Crowded Out: Heterogeneity in Risk Attitudes Among Poor Households in the US

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Forthcoming, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

AUTHORS: Arianna Galliera and E. Elisabet Rutström

ABSTRACT: Not much is known about the heterogeneity of risk attitudes among poor households in rich countries. This paper provides estimates from a unique data set collected among the urban poor in Atlanta,… more »

WP 2019-06 "Grabbing the Opportunity": Risk Attitudes Among Poor Households in the US

*Note that this is an older version of this paper. There have been considerable changes since this version, and we have posted the new version as WP 2021-03 Crowded Out: Heterogeneity in Risk Attitudes Among Poor Households in the US.

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AUTHORS: Arianna… more »