6th Annual Meeting on the Economics of Risky Behaviors (AMERB)

CALL FOR PAPERS - Submission Deadline - 14 Jan. 2014

CEAR again will co-sponsor the Annual Meeting on the Economics of Risky Behaviors. This year's event will be held at at Universidad EAFIT in Medellin, Colombia. Please visit the meetings website for more information and the online application form - http://www.iza.org/conference_files/riskonomics2014/call_for_papers

9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013

The 9th International Microinsurance Conference was hosted by the Munich Re Foundation and the Microinsurance Network, with the support of the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Indonesian Insurance Council (DAI), Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), the Georgia State University’s Center… more »

International Risk Management Conference 2013

Posted On June 21, 2013
Categories Events, Other Events Tags

The mission of the conference is to provide a professional forum to discuss recent advances in risk management. IRMC2013 aims to present the latest research from the major schools of thought in finance, economics, and strategic management. The conference will be held at the Copenhagen Business School over June 24-25 2013.

CEAR's Director, Glenn Harrison,… more »

Behavioural Econometrics of Risk and Time Prefenence

A 6-Day workshop at the University of Cape Town on the Behavioural Econometrics of Risk, Uncertainty and Time Preference

Taught by Professors Glenn Harrison (Georgia State University), Elisabet Rutstrom (Georgia State University), and Morten Lau (Durham University)

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Among the most important variables affecting outcomes in microeconomic development initiatives among vulnerable groups are… more »