WP 2024-01 Risk Preferences and Risk Perceptions in Insurance Experiments: Some Methodological Challenges

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Forthcoming, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison

ABSTRACT: The ability to run experiments, or to see natural data as a quasi-experiment, does not free one from the need for theory when evaluating insurance behavior. Theory can be used to motivate the experimental design, evaluate latent effects… more »

WP 2023-06 The End of Behavioral Insurance

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Forthcoming, Georges Dionne (ed.) Handbook of Insurance (New York: Springer, 2024, Third Edition)

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison

ABSTRACT: Our descriptive understanding of observed insurance behavior has been enhanced by considering alternative modeling approaches, and promises to do the same to our normative evaluation of that behavior. Those alternatives come from… more »

WP 2023-02 Behavioral Welfare Economics and the Quantitative Intentional Stance

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Forthcoming in G.W. Harrison and D. Ross (eds.), Models of Risk Preferences: Descriptive and Normative Challenges, (Bingley, UK: Emerald, Research in Experimental Economics, 2023).

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison and Don Ross

ABSTRACT: Behavioral economics poses a challenge for the welfare evaluation of choices, particularly those that involve risk. It demands… more »

WP 2023-01 Deductibles and Health Care Utilization: An Experiment on the Role of Forward-Looking Behavior

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Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison, Nadja Kairies-Schwarz, and Johann Han

ABSTRACT: We investigate the effects of nonlinear deductible contracts on health utilization behavior by using a laboratory experiment in which we can control the likelihood of hitting the deductible. We also evaluate the effect… more »

WP 2022-01 Real Choices and Hypothetical Choices

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Forthcoming, Handbook of Choice Modeling

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison

ABSTRACT: There is evidence that behavior changes when individuals make choices over hypothetical scenarios and stakes rather than real scenarios and stakes. What is the nature of this evidence, and how significant is it for different types of inferences? In particular,… more »

WP 2021-03 Crowded Out: Heterogeneity in Risk Attitudes Among Poor Households in the US

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Forthcoming, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

AUTHORS: Arianna Galliera and E. Elisabet Rutström

ABSTRACT: Not much is known about the heterogeneity of risk attitudes among poor households in rich countries. This paper provides estimates from a unique data set collected among the urban poor in Atlanta,… more »

WP 2020-21 A Case Study of an Experiment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online Elicitation of Subjective Beliefs and Economic Preferences

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Forthcoming, Journal of the Economic Science Association

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison, Andre Hofmeyr, Harold Kincaid, Brian Monroe, Don Ross, Mark Schneider and J. Todd Swarthout

ABSTRACT: We convey our experiences developing and implementing an online experiment to elicit subjective beliefs and economic preferences. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated closures of our… more »

WP 2020-16 Experimental Design and Bayesian Interpretation

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Prepared for H. Kincaid and D. Ross (eds.), Modern Guide to the Philosophy of Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Elgar, forthcoming 2021).

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison

ABSTRACT: If we take seriously the intent to improve welfare for individuals with experimental interventions, then we must allow that we are also capable of doing… more »

WP 2020-14 Behavioral Welfare Economics and Risk Preferences: A Bayesian Approach

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Forthcoming, Experimental Economics

AUTHORS: Xiaoxue Sherry Gao, Glenn W. Harrison and Rusty Tchernis

ABSTRACT: We propose the use of Bayesian estimation of risk preferences of individuals for applications of behavioral welfare economics to evaluate observed choices that involve risk. Bayesian estimation provides more systematic control of the use of informative… more »

WP 2020-09 Constant Discounting, Temporal Instability and Dynamic Inconsistency in Denmark: A Longitudinal Field Experiment

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Forthcoming, International Economic Review

AUTHORS: Glenn W. Harrison, Morten I. Lau and Hong Il Yoo

ABSTRACT: Claims that individuals have dynamically inconsistent preferences are usually made by studying individual discount rates over different time delays, but where those discount rates are elicited at a single point in time. However, to… more »