Event Archive: WS 2015

3rd Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics

December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015

Mintrops Stadt Hotel

The workshop aims to bring together economists who apply behavioral economics and experimental methods in health economic research to present and discuss their research papers. We welcome contributions on all topics within health economics applying exp… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

CEAR/MRIC Workshop VI: Behavioral Insurance

December 7, 2015 - December 8, 2015


Program  | Background Papers  Overview This workshop brings together researchers interested in the manner in which risk management and insurance can be understood with behavioral methods. Alternative theoretical models are welcome, although a… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

XII Conference of the International Network for Economic Method

November 19, 2015 - November 22, 2015

University of Cape Town

CEAR is a proud sponsor of this year's International Network for Economic Method (INEM) conference held in Cape Town, South Africa. INEM seeks to promote links among economic methodologists, economists in all fields, and scholars in cognate disciplines… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

The Role of Liquidity in the Financial System

November 19, 2015 - November 20, 2015

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Conference Website  | Draft Agenda  The Center for Financial Innovation and Stability (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) and the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (Georgia State University) are organizing the conference "The Role of Liq… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

11th International Microinsurance Conference 2015

November 3, 2015 - November 6, 2015

Casablanca 20000, Morocco

CEAR is excited to co-sponsor this year's 11th International Microinsurance Conference 2015 hosted by Mucich Re Foundation. CEAR is facilitating the Academic Track of the conference as well as hosting the Pre-conference Seminar on Scientific Evaluation… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

CEAR Academic Pre-Conference in Microinsurance 2015

November 2, 2015 - November 3, 2015

Hyatt Regency Hotel

Program  CEAR is financing and organizing an academic pre‑conference to the 11th International Microinsurance Conference to be held November 3‑5 in Casablanca, Morocco. The pre‑conference will attract researchers to present major findings and part… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

The Effect of Social Norms on Organizational and Market Risk

October 23, 2015 - October 24, 2015

12th Floor -- GSU Robinson College of Business - Buckhead Campus

Program  | Background Papers  This conference is sponsored by the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) and the School of Accountancy at Georgia State University OVERVIEW One of the major topics during the 2007 American Accounting A… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

CEAR-CSAE | Eliciting Subjective Beliefs and Risk and Time Preferences in Developing Countries

October 1, 2015 - October 3, 2015

University of Oxford

Download Program General Information This workshop examines how risk preferences, time preferences and subjective beliefs can be elicited in the field, with special attention to applications in developing countries. The first 1½ days will be a training… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

2nd Annual CEAR - Huebner Summer Risk Institute 2015

July 27, 2015 - July 29, 2015


Download Program CEAR/Huebner Summer Risk Institute aims to expose Ph.D. students and faculty interested in risk and uncertainty to relevant cutting-edge models, tools, and theory. The targeted audience includes faculty and Ph.D. students interested in… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015

CEAR - HCEO - MOVE Workshop on Family Economics 2015

June 8, 2015 - June 10, 2015

Barcelona GSE

The workshop is organized jointly by the Barcelona GSE, the Center for Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) at Georgia State University, the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, and Foundation MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes… more »

Archive Year: WS 2015