CEAR Scholars - Graduate Student Support
The level of support for each constituent departments of CEAR (Accounting, Economics, Finance, and RMI) is set at a maximum of $30,000 per academic year per department. CEAR Graduate Student Support is intended to supplement any stipend and other support that the constituent departments use so that each department can attract and retain highly qualified students interested in risk-related research. The students will be required to agree to take at least one “risk-related” academic course outside of their home department for credit and to attend the CEAR Workshops held at GSU each academic year. The objective of the CEAR financial support is to encourage graduate students to undertake studies and thesis research that furthers the mission of CEAR. It is expected, in order to maintain CEAR support, graduate students commit to and write a thesis that has a significant component of research into risk, broadly defined. Graduate students receiving CEAR support will also be expected to make a presentation on their risk-related research to the CEAR Internal Advisory Board, department graduate directors and fellow CEAR Scholars during the Spring semester.
It is up to each department’s Director of PhD Students to identify students that have committed to write a thesis that has a significant “risk” component and are, therefore, eligible for CEAR Scholar support. The amounts of support per student will vary with circumstances. The department's Director of PhD Students should approach the CEAR Director to discuss specifics as they arise. Decisions on this support will be made by the CEAR Director, in consultation with the department's Director of PhD Students and members of the CEAR Internal Advisory Board. Requests for CEAR Scholar support shall be made in writing by the department's Director of PhD Students to [email protected].